The primary purpose for any lending institution to utilize third party disbursing is to receive mechanic lien coverage on its first position to protect the first deed of trust or mortgage - and then help provide for an easy transition to permanent financing.

Mechanic liens may be filed by any unpaid sub-contracted party on a construction project – which can potentially force a foreclosure on the property in question.

This includes material suppliers to subcontractors or subs hired by sub-contractors.

Our underwriter-approved process includes direct payments to all contractors, subcontractors and construction material suppliers and as such permits mechanic lien coverage for all construction projects. Each of our disbursing transactions is backed-up by a construction inspection that details completed work by each construction cost category. All transactions are reviewed to provide loan to value monitoring and mechanic lien risk management.

Our experienced construction disbursing mangers continually provide a third party review of each transaction to enable mechanic lien coverage and protect your deed of trust. Each and every transaction is available for review 24/7 on our online disbursing software Disbursa.


We Protect your Deed of Trust

Tell us about your construction project.
(314) 858-9200

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